Sunday 10 May 2015

Photography: My Nikon 200-400mm f4 VR2 Experience

Its been a long time since I've last updated my blog... Hence decide to share my experience with a new lens I bought, the Nikon 200-400mm f4 VR2

Boy this lens is heavy, Nikon says its approximately 3.36kg... paired with my Nikon D4 that weights another 1.34kg. Wow! 

My first try on this lens was on 4 April 15, on the eclipse.. Too bad it was a rainy day and I only managed to capture it somewhere at 9pm... after a few attempt, I finally got this shot...

Actually, my intent for purchasing this lens is to do birding... First, with no knowledge of where birds will be, when are they most active, etc etc I decide to head down to Sungei Buloh Wetland and here are my shots...

  My 2nd attempt was at Botanical Garden... The birds were too fast for me and only managed to capture a butterfly instead... of cos the usual swan is there as well... 

Finally on my third attempt, I got a shot that I like, got it at National Service Resort Country Club (NSRCC).

Another shots of this bird (which I got no idea what its called)

Finally, here's a picture of me in action with my setup, taken by a good friend of mine...
 And finally, thanks for dropping by... Will find some time to do another one soon... hopefully...
